Monday, April 21, 2014

Preparing to live in South Asia!

So our departure date, June 16th, is a little less than two months away and we could not be more excited!

We've found that there is only so much preparation you can do to be ready to live in a foreign country and the rest we will just have to learn once we are there. But there are a few ways we have been preparing. 

First, we are taking a class called Survival Abroad (helpful right?). Recently, we've had Phonetics teachers coming to class teaching us how to learn a new language. During our time in India we will be learning Hindi so this will be extremely useful! Something I never realized before was how many sounds there are that we don't use in the English language but are common in foreign languages. These classes have been difficult at times and really funny at other times. Something we keep hearing over and over again when it comes to learning language is that you have to be able to laugh at yourself (or each other) because you will mess up. But that is something we are good at, laughing together.

Also, 3 nights this week we will be participating in a Security Training. This will include things like how to stay safe while living overseas, what to do and not to do if something scary and serious might happen, and ways to travel safely.

We have studied, read books, and watched videos about India. We've learned things like their history, many common beliefs of Indian Hindus, and things that they like and are important to them.

One way we've been preparing (kinda by accident) is through my cooking! I really like experimenting and creating new recipes but recently they are each turning out to be extremely spicy! Like I couldn't even finish it. We know Indian food will be quite spicy for us so I guess its good to eat some spicy things now.

So I grew up in St. Charles right? While I love this town, I've found that is not the best place to have grown up to be prepared to live in Asia. So we've been doing outside things like hiking, fishing, going on long walks, walking in the rain in our rain jackets, and smashing the spiders I see in our house all by myself (I know, right!). Jacob also occasionally makes us ride in the hot car without the AC to help prepare us for the Indian heat. I especially hate this when we are going somewhere important, but I know he is right, India will be hot!

As many of you know, we've been raising financial support for our time in India.We are a little over halfway to raising the amount required. It has been so awesome and encouraging to see Father provide and we are confident He will provide the rest!

While we are beyond excited to be a part of the Work in India, there are a few things that we are nervous about. If you are wanting to pray for us, here is a need at this time:
- It will be hard to be away from our families (and Dunkie), not be at some of our best friends' weddings, and just miss those people that we are close with. So pray for comfort, for us and our families, and for us to trust we are exactly where He wants us.

We are so grateful for our family and friends who have been so faithful to support us! We pray that He will bless your lives as well! (:

Jacob & Sarah